Check out this eBay page,, pay attention to the upper right corner, it says "Powered by SUN Java Technology".
But unfortunately, the site is obviously running Microsoft Windows with IIS server and ISAPI. Java has earned the reputation of being a slow memory hog. At least at the front end, eBay is running Windows.
IT Kitty Cat wrote that the blog-sphere is getting duller -- I felt the same too. When there were fierce battles, we all paid attention to the news of war. I like to watch the History Channel. Some say History Channel is the war channel, that's very true. Wars decide the major evolution events of the human history. In the computing world, the epic struggle between AMD and Intel entered a period of trench war-- we see attrition. The major movements and manuvers have been done. AMD is rapidly building up its forces behind the lines for the final assault against its anxious foe. The silence is deafening.
Looking forward, we see only two viable CPU architectures: One is AMD64 with Direct Connect and Accelerated Architecture, the other is IBM's Power architecture. The AMD64 will rule all general purpose computing with massive I/O capability, integer performance and ultra high FP power. The Power architecture may rule the gaming market. The two can co-exist, as we have seen from IBM's Opteron+Cell combination.
In terms of 64 bit operating platform, we also see only two viable architectures for enterprise. Microsoft Windows and Linux. Both have wide hardware vendor support, both are highly usable. Linux was viewed a movement against Microsoft monopoly, but, it's an open platform that does not shy away from adapting the good elements of Windows. I also expect Linux to adopt some of Solaris 10 or even Mac OS's strength. All other alternatives will be irrelevant. Any attempt to halt Linux will be futile.
In software development, we expect the GPLed Java to become more widely used. Compared to C++, Java's portability and rich class libraries are unbeatable advantages. But C++ is probably 20x faster, or in other words, Java makes your 2GHZ CPU run at an equivalent of 100MHZ. I expect the open source community to vastly improve the speed of Java and make it more usable.
The rest of the IT hardware vendors will be a bunch of assemblers who take offshelf parts and put labels on boxes. There will be very little to distinguish between one vendor from the other.
We will see the above trend with more clarity in 2007.