I read some of the heated discussions in the previous thread. There are criticisms of Hector Ruiz and his generals. However, if one takes a forward looking view, AMD is poised to make a kill.
Today's competitive landscape in PC and server computing is centered around one standard: AMD64. Soon, we will see other AMD standards, such as HyperTransport, being adopted across the industry. AMD firmly commands the high ground in enterprise computing arena. Its technologies are server based, then adapted for mobile and desktop use. Intel, on the other hand, is predominantly a desktop CPU company. Opterons are built for glueless 8-P computing from day one. A K10 quad will make 32-way affordable to the masses. A 8P Opteron system has many non-coherent HT links for throughput. The highest performing Intel platform today is a 2-P 8-way Clovertown configuration which is constrained in I/O capabilities.
The delay of K10 is unfortunate and AMD has suffered setbacks financially. However, that will be soon behind AMD. Once K10 is out, there is hardly any reason for someone to stick to the ancient FSB based architecture. K10 will smash whatever Intel has in all categories. At the high end, K10 will scale linearly to 32 way, which will be 4x of Intel (2P 8 way).