Intel Tripped Itself Trying to Imitate AMD Fusion
Over the past decade, Intel did nothing but try to imitate AMD. Several years ago, AMD had the bright idea of Fusion -- combing the CPU and GPGPU to create an APU. To do that, AMD acquired ATI at great cost. Not to be left in the dust, Intel's engineers struggled hard, they spent more sleepless nights digesting the voluminous AMD PDF files, some thousand pages long, laden with cryptic technological talk. They rushed against time. And they shipped the SB chip on time. As AMD's Dx11 enabled Fusion winning praises even from the usual Intel fanbois, with the release of the DX10 capable SB chip, though one generation behind, Intel's troops seem have hit the landmark their emperor demanded.
Now, it's the time to fall from that imperial grace, like those unfortunate Roman emperors who pushed their legions a bridge too far. The chipset supporting the SB infrastructure is plagued with a defective SATA controller, which will result in faulty hard drive operations. For anyone who can spell the word computer, he knows what that means to his crucial business and personal data.
Intel claims that it found a "silicon fix" and the problem will go away in April, hopefully. Meanwhile, Fusion, with its DX11 prowess, is winning the hearts and minds of the unforgiving populace.