Monday, January 09, 2012

Intel faking DX11

Charlie caught Intel folks pants down trying to fake a modern GPU with VLC+IV Bridge.

DX11 is just too hard for Intel .

Even Anand and his Intel fobois are embarrassed watching Intel's top exec trying to fake turning the wheel resulting a mismatch of his moves and the video play.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that was pretty lame, wasn't really funny to do in a demo.

But you Sharikou, is still a joke and a stupid corn-fucking imbecile, no matter what you post these days. You are still THE fake, pretentious, Internet Town Idiotâ„¢ and you will always be the laughingstock whatever your views!

11:56 PM, January 09, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sharikou = Internet Village Idiotâ„¢

Oh, and Intel's demo's pretty retarded too.

12:11 AM, January 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahaahahaha, Intel is playing customers for a fool, just like nVidia was with fake 480 cards presentations.

But there are still peop... erm, worshippers, who will still bow down at the sound of Intel/nVidia name. Gullibility knows no bounds.

5:58 AM, January 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup. It was really suspicious when Mooly was playin the game quite well! LOL! Using VLC!

ps. Sharikou/Penix is a retarded imbecile who is sexually challenged and the intelligence and logic of a six-year-old! LOSER!

9:05 AM, January 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey lying sack of shit. Did you think you could turn over a new leaf and not end up humiliated?

Let's take a look at what you posted on AMD's Yahoo Message Board.


You tried to backpedal but were caught in your lies, including the lie that you have on this new post where you claim Intel has less systems on Top500 than the ones you mention it does. Reposting that excerpt here.


Notice how Sharifuck moves the Goalpost from his (1) OPENNING POST of Cray being exclusively AMD (which was flatly debunked) to (2) AMD having the majority (again debunked), to (3) saying Intel uses NVidia compute more than AMD (which is flatly wrong, the AMD Cray has more paired NVidia compute-nodes-per-socket grouping than Intel) and avoided the fact that Cray is using NVidia and NOT ATI/AMD parts. Also, I believe he does NOT KNOW or even UNDERSTAND that the high FLOPS (double-precision) measurement are largely based on the GPU compute cores and not the CPUs. AMD 0, NVidia 1.

Reference links available from Cray at the mentioned Yahoo address above. Shari/Penix, I suggest you read (and understand) the articles you cite in its entirety to avoid corn-fucking yourself. Then again, you ARE a troll, you might be doing it for some sort of perverted high.

Sharikou, aka Penix: you're running out of troll materials. Your futile (and sorry) attempts to salvage your AMD stocks are over. I understand these are hard times and you probably need to pay your mortgage and broadband bills but you have to get off that seat and do something intelligent and productive. Stop this imaginary PhD bullshit and get some professional help. You are making yourself more and more of an idiot in front of everyone else. Is this the kind of life you wanna live? I am now convinced that you are truly getting some sort of sexual satisfaction in being seen as an idiotic imbecile, I hate to imagine what your cream-splattered SVGA screen looks like!

You self cornholed and further submerged yourself in your lie. I am now going to make you pay for it and not let you live it down, fukstick!


10:31 AM, January 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! No matter what Sharikou says, real or otherwise, it does not change the fact that he is still a clown, a joke, a piece of crap.

Sharikou is the Internet's Village Idiot!

10:54 AM, January 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Prove to us that you have a Ph.D. from an accredited university.

Who was your professor?
What was your thesis?
When did you defend it?
Where are you published?

Let's see it. The world is waiting.

Pretty simple. You either have it or you don't.

If you don't respond or respond ambiguously, you will be proven to be a lying fraud.

Think you can avoid answering?

Charade is over, fvckstick.

No matter how much you pump this POS here or on the Yahoo AMD message board or on Investor Village or in all of the other places where you circle jerk with your lies, you will always be Mumbai slum fragged clown child.


11:40 AM, January 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again the curtain has been pulled on Intel, exposing them as the fraudulent manipulators they are. This demonstration was insultingly pathetic, yet I'm sure the biased delusion of the Intel fanboys will some how turn this into a victory in their minds.

It is now 2012 and Intel still fails at DX11. AMD had working DX11 hardware in 2009. Any new hardware that can't do DX11 by now should be pulled from shelves as DOA.

4:01 PM, January 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always tossing out your skewed view eh sharifuq/penis?

*All* corporations lie. Look at AMD with Hector Ruinz...want to talk shit about that? You can't.

Anand himself tested this after the fact:

And proved it does work...whatever intels spin about the fail demo, its still a fact it does work. So go ahead, call Anand out you peice of shit...

So, while I can't credit them anything for trying to fake a demo, you clearly have no fucking idea, once again, what you're talking about...

4:30 PM, January 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Prove to us that you have a Ph.D. from an accredited university.

Who was your professor?
What was your thesis?
When did you defend it?
Where are you published?

Let's see it. The world is waiting.

Pretty simple. You either have it or you don't.

If you don't respond or respond ambiguously, you will be proven to be a lying fraud.

Think you can avoid answering?

Charade is over, fvckstick.

No matter how much you pump this POS here or on the Yahoo AMD message board or on Investor Village or in all of the other places where you circle jerk with your lies, you will always be Mumbai slum fragged clown child.


7:53 PM, January 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's pretty dumb on Intel's part. Especially when you can see the VLC player pop up during the demo -- derp!

I hadn't seen Anand's video until it was posted above; looks like DX11 is working to me. But I guess that wouldn't fit into the context of this blog, hence why it will not be addressed.



8:21 PM, January 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Penix has stopped defending himself that he is Sharikou. Thank goodness he's finally realized they are both the same person.


11:30 PM, January 10, 2012  

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