Intel's produly displays answer to Native Quad-Core

Intel engineers have the thickest skin, putting their primitive, crude, retarded, crappy, double cheeseburger design on their back. It's like saying -- "see mom, what an Intel moron".
Even Ratty says they need some originality.
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Hey Einstein!
You didn't get the joke.
Non Naive Quad Core = Intel
Naive = Sharikou
What a fucking moron.
Learn to read you fucking douche bag.
No wonder you have to lie about your PhD, you can't even READ simple English.
Wow the AMD fanboi's are getting owned left and right nowadays.
OMG, the Doctor just pwned himself!
Sharikou, you are a fucking idiot.
Intel Marketing - 1
Sharikou - 0
PS - Nice way to spell "proudly".
Reposting this because Sharikou posted a new article so quick!
AMD marketing is currently testing potential brand naming for the tri-core. Here is a leaked list of what they are considering:
Dual Core Plus
Quad Core Minus
3/4 Quad
Triple Cripple
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What's the matter, Einstein? Got ruffled today?
Keep it up and I'll sic George Ou on you...or a grammar and spell checker.
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$790? Is AMD trying to rip people off now? Lets see what you could get for the price of one Barcelona CPU:
Q6600 - $279
Geforce 8800 GTS - $279
G-Skill DDR2-667 2GB KIT - $65
INTEL Q6600 142,000,000% BETTER THAN AMD Oopseron and here in stock and for sale today at Newegg.
BUY INTEL and NVIDIA hi performance, energy saving, AFFORDALE, cpus, platforms, and video solutions not AMD vaporware.
$790 buys you an awesome video card and CPU that will eat anything AMD can produce alive. Then there's cash for a good motherboard and 2GB of ram as well! All with money left over.
AMD is stuck at 2Ghz, Intel can go to 4GHz:
DON'T BUY AMD low 1.9ghz performance, EXPENSIVE, cpus, platforms, and video solutions and VAPORWARE.
Yeap, Sharikou be more careful when you read something because intelers will bite your ass...
In other news, hexus tested Harkertown (Penisryn) and the conclusion is not by far so bright and shiny as intelers thought. It is just a mixed bag of new features and higher cpu clocks, but nothing special. Just like that.
"Harpertown is a better quad-core processor than Clovertown: it's as simple as that. More L2 cache will gobble-up larger application data-sets and a higher FSB, on select models, will ensure that per-CPU bandwidth is less of a concern. Further, SSE4.1-optimised applications will run a lot faster.
Our benchmark results haven't told us anything radically new about the Penryn-based Harpertown and Seaburg chipset combo, really.
Stoakley, comprising of Harpertown processor(s) and the Seaburg chipset, will be officially released in November 2007, and that's when the Barcelona vs. Harpertown showdown will take place. Right now, though, think of Stoakley as a beefed-up version of the incumbent Clovertown/5000-series chipset."
anti-intel guy,
AMD is imploding under its own series of mis-steps.
AMD sat fat and happy and got caught by C2D.
It is clear that Barcelona will not enable AMD to make money.
AMD is squeezed between its high performing 90nm line and its 65nm poor yielding/scaling rev 10h cores.
What to do? How many more top engineers will leave? Probably A WHOLE BUNCH more.
In the meantime, you will cry yourself to sleep wondering how come you were so foolish to believe in the dream.
Sad, sad, sad.
Our benchmark results haven't told us anything radically new about the Penryn-based Harpertown and Seaburg chipset combo, really.
Since when has Intel claimed it to be more than a modest upgrade to the current Clovertown CPU?
AMD makes bold statements like this:
and this
But then deliver products that are significantly slower than Clovertown.
Why they have used different system configurations between the glued Hampas & the glued Colov in the benchmark? Why they did not used at least equivalent system configurations so that we can easily perceived the true performance of the glued Hampaskelapatown over the colov one?
We're nonplussed by the Stoakley's operating system. We're not sure why a 32-bit OS was used in conjunction with a server/workstation-oriented machine, and benchmark results will be negatively impacted by it.
Was that because of the glued Hampaskelapa incapable to run windows X64?? Damn..
Who cares what OS they used? They could use DOS 3.3 for all I care.
It still frags AMD's CPUs all over. It works with x64. I run a Q6600 with 4GB ram on XP x64.
I also played with the latest q6600 G0 version and is pretty impressive. The oc potential is huge but it runs very hot at 3.46 GHz(about 48-49 dg. C idle & 67-68 dg. C full load) with stock cooler; With a Arctic Cooler Freezer 7 Pro the temperature dropped nearly 10-12 dg. C.... Q6600 does have potential but I'll wait for 2.5 Ghz Phenom version and I'll buy one, just for fun.
AMD is fragged easily.
AMD is yet again fragged all over.
The conclusion? Perhaps unsurprisingly, Nvidia still has no credible challenger at the high end,
AMD BK Q2'08.
I wonder what will AMD say once native 8-core Nehalem arrives. Should Intel do a "octacore for dummies" book?
Ekeke.. here is my estimation k10 running at 3.0Gzh vs Intel Hapertown 3.0Gzh..
Spec JBB 2005:
Dual Xeon X5365 3.0GHz = 93325
Dual Xeon E5472 3.0GHz = 102652
K10 2360 SE 2.5GHz = 98303
Boost up to 3.0GZh ~ 108644 (Winner)
Valve VRAD:
Dual Xeon X5365 3.0GHz = 78s
Dual Xeon E5472 3.0GHz = 73s (winner)
K10 2360 SE 2.5GHz = 100s
Boost up to 3.0GZh ~ 79s
Dual Xeon X5365 3.0GHz = 20852
Dual Xeon E5472 3.0GHz = 22178 (winner)
K10 2360 SE 2.5GHz = 16546
Boost up to 3.0GZh ~ 21688
PovRay Chess 2:
Dual Xeon X5365 3.0GHz = 53s
Dual Xeon E5472 3.0GHz = 52s
K10 2360 SE 2.5GHz = 62s
Boost up to 3.0GZh ~ 47s (winner)
PovRay Benchmark:
Dual Xeon X5365 3.0GHz = 677s
Dual Xeon E5472 3.0GHz = 677s
K10 2360 SE 2.5GHz = 1023s
Boost up to 3.0GZh ~ 628s (winner)
Panorama factory:
Dual Xeon X5365 3.0GHz = 17.23s
Dual Xeon E5472 3.0GHz = 15.27s (winner)
K10 2360 SE 2.5GHz = 19.79s
Boost up to 3.0GZh ~ 16.53s
Dual Xeon X5365 3.0GHz = 13.96
Dual Xeon E5472 3.0GHz = 15.23 (winner)
K10 2360 SE 2.5GHz = 9.86
Boost up to 3.0GZh ~ 12.05
WM Encoder:
Dual Xeon X5365 3.0GHz = 376.3s
Dual Xeon E5472 3.0GHz = 356.5s
K10 2360 SE 2.5GHz = 447.0s
Boost up to 3.0GZh ~ 350.1s (winner)
Winner = k10
Except for a few things Pezal...
1.) 2.5 Ghz K10's are not yet available.
2.) 3.0 Ghz K10's are not yet available.
You can "estimate" all you want, but in all honesty is just as good as playing guessing games.
If you want to estimate like that Pezal, there should be a Penryn CPU included running at 3.8 -> 4Ghz around that range.
I wonder what will AMD say once native 8-core Nehalem arrives. Should Intel do a "octacore for dummies" book?
Maybe that will force AMD to make one "tri-core for dummies" book?
Upsss! Wait… Intel is still at dual core, it’s not possible to do a tri-core processor out of a dual...
Oh! the way i see it it's that you are all (Intel Jewish Fanboys)a bunch of stupid Jackass. You are irritated because AMD as something solid against Intel and you can't admit it, sad but in the long run it will be you who will miss what is good ,not us. sweet dreams.
Fuck Intel!
If you want to estimate like that Pezal, there should be a Penryn CPU included running at 3.8 -> 4Ghz around that range.
And about 200W.
And about 200W.
Nope.. Its about 375-500W.. Ekekeke
Barcelona is solid?
Are you fucking smoking dope you Nazi? (wtf is up with the anti-jewish comments?)
The Barcelona can't even keep up with Intel's CURRENT lineup, let alone the new stuff hitting in a few weeks.
Anyone notice that Sharikou hadda change the picture on the blog entry?
Thats because he looked even more like a fucking ass hat than usual because he wasn't smart enough to understand Intel's shirt.
Of course the same old bunch of clownshoes come to his defense... go figure.
And about 200W.
Not with the revolutionary high-k process that allows for a ten-fold reduction in leakage.
Intel can do 3GHz Quad core with 120W TDP now, on 65nm. But on 45nm they have a smaller die and the revolutionary new process.
AMD admits that the high-k metal gate is crucial:
Dramatically reduces leakage current and allows device scaling to resume
See slide 24.
The clock speeds are going up. So what's the problem for AMD? For one, they're at least 8 -> 9 months behind Intel. Secondly, their 45nm process is NOT high-k. AMD has stated they will not reach high-k until a second generation 45nm process or possibly even 32nm.
For one, they're at least 8 -> 9 months behind Intel.
Obviously I was referring to AMD being 8 -> 9 months behind on 45nm.
Just to point a reminder, Intel first showed working 45nm CPUs back in January of 2007. AMD has yet to do this.
Pezal you're out of this world, please shut up! Your estimations/estimated scores are somehow fictional. The real K10 @3 GHz scores will be revealed in 2-4 months... and yes your estimations are somewhat real, but hold your horses boy 'til real benches surfaces. Take your time a smoke your grass ;)
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I think oneexpert is having a breakdown.
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Look at oneexpert go handpicking benchmarks.
Poor little oneexpert.
Maybe he will kill himself and put himself out of his misery, as all the press is reporting Barcelona isn't the top of the line CPU AMD is saying it is. In fact Intel's line up released SIX MONTHS AGO can easily keep up with and in MANY instances beat the Barcelona.
Now kindly go swallow a gun barrel as you are about as useless as tits on a bull.
You are no better than the Chinese press.
So what are you going to do now oneexpert? Make more claims about power consumption? Or cherrypick more benchmarks.
Just go strap yourself in mommie's car in the garage, leave the garage door down and suck down the C02. You are a waste of human life. My shit has more intelligence than you are "blessed" with.
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What should you do if you make an ass of yourself?
Simple, just post a HUGE picture of a Barcelona processor. Hey, I wonder if that's a tri-core or a quad core?
"Maybe that will force AMD to make one "tri-core for dummies" book?"
As someone said, "we prefer to have all our dies working".
Btw, just looking at the die shot shows nothing about how the cache is being shared between cores. Looking at K10 die one could think that that also has two separate L3 banks and two of the cores are very far away from it.
"As someone said, "we prefer to have all our dies working"."
They prefer but unfortunately they can't. That's why Intel doesn't like the native quad-core idea.
... but they'll have native octacore with Nehalem. When will AMD have one?
Intel DOES have all their dies working. Just because Intel does quad-core differently than AMD most assuredly doesn't mean they don't have all the dies working.
Stop with the strawman arguments. They ain't going to get you far.
They prefer but unfortunately they can't
Apparently AMD has the very same problem. Hence, the introduction of tri-core CPUs.
Intel does not have the same problem since they made a 'smarter choice' in going with a MCM at 65nm.
I wish I could get one of those shirts with the Q6600 I'm buying next week. Should be a beast cpu @ or near 4ghz with the cpu and chipset water cooled through a Thermochill PA 120.3 radiator.
BONER said...
I wish I could get one of those shirts with the Q6600 I'm buying next week.
..what..just buy the T-shirt you will get the Q6600 crap for free :)
Ignore Netrama - just another Sharidouche ID...the only one I think who posts AMD info that isn't Sharidouce is BaronMatrox, and he's just as bad as the rest of those unintelligent pathetic losers...
Sharnetraonexpertonlyamdpezal is just jealous because he can't afford an E2140 let alone a Q6600...they're stuck using Semprons and Athlon XP's..
abinstein said...
"As someone said, "we prefer to have all our dies working"."
They prefer but unfortunately they can't. That's why Intel doesn't like the native quad-core idea.
Go back to that shithole called AMDZone stein where all the morons hang out.
You say they had no native quad-core idea? maybe somewhere in the smart land they figured out that it would be a pain in the ass to make one and we just let AMD hit the fan so we can see what happens? ... well AMD did hit the fan and it does smell like shit. Or can it be that that they thought that they had to make money for their shareHOLDERS so having a NATIVEquadcore would be too soon and not too easy. But now that they have finetuned their tools and ready to rip ass they still can make money for theri beloved shareHOLDERS and let amd AMD sink. But why would they let AMD sink is the question ... why help something if that something is doing it itself? :)
By the way, you AMD idiots at AMDZoNe dont have too much to talk about do you? other than jerking it for 3core? you guys stink !!! :P
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How was your sandwich, eh?
Did you like how dry it was?
Admit it: you boys over at AMDZone are rabid and have no spoutlet for your anger.
Let me help you.
Write to One AMD Place, Sunnyvale, CA
Let them know how you feel.
You'll get a form letter back with Alfred E Newman's mug and quote.
the Q6600 crap
On a Q6600 with 4GB ram I can encode two videos and be using both Photoshop and Houdini all at the same time. The system is still responsive an there's no lag. Try that on AMD desktop CPU. Oh wait. You can't. The system would be too laggy to use with all that load across two cores.
While I enjoy all this awesome power you can enjoy the wait for AMD. I hear they might have enough good 2GHZ quad core dies to launch Phenom for desktops at 2Ghz by the end of the year!
Why Barcelona price is so high:
"Okay maybe someone at Intel is buying a lot of these in a short period time to bump up the price so no one else will be buying in the following weeks? Does that make sense at all? "
No idiot, its because there arent many of them out there sice their yield sucks like you. After all the stupid AMD boys buy that at supernova price it will go down :)
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The AMD tri core is a brilliant idea.
AMDs tri core will make the dual core chips become entry level cpus.
In case you had not noticed, dual core CPUs are already entry level.
Yes, what a brilliant idea! Intel must be terrified of AMD's tri-core CPUs! Up other with other 'innovative' solutions like the 4x4!
As someone said, "we prefer to have all our dies working".
Really ho ho, here from Intel:
Interestingly, Intel is toying with another, more permanent possibility for some future Xeon products: disabling one core on each of the two chips in a package in order to yield a dual-core solution that has 6MB of dedicated L2 cache per core.
Wait, let me guess what you are going to said, disabling one Intel core is not the same of disabling one AMD core. The Intel Core disabling is simply a genius idea, and has nothing to do with yields or even trying to create a market segment for themselves.
Btw, just looking at the die shot shows nothing about how the cache is being shared between cores.
The NB/IMC shares the cache.
Looking at K10 die one could think that that also has two separate L3 banks and two of the cores are very far away from it.
The NB is between the 4 cores, so the 4 cores are connect trough the NB.
The NB is connected to the L3 cache, and the NB is connecting to the IMC.
Looking at K10 die one could think that that also has two separate L3 banks
If that’s the case then it also has two separate L2 for each core, leaving 8 L2 caches for 4 cores……….
Comparing to Intel, Intel has 16 L2 caches for each core and is not shared because there are two clearly spared L2 banks…
Ho ho that doesn’t seams from your posting quality standards…
Damn, oneexpert still hasn't off'ed himself yet.
One can keep dreaming.
Then again, the world needs stupid people like oneexpert to clean the toilets, sweep the floors and mop up puke.
Intel shows off Skulltrail
IDF Fall 007 It officially exists, and is officially fast
INTEL FINALLY UNVEILED Skulltrail, and it looks to be a winner. When the company first rolled out the original answer to AMD's 4x4 called V8, we were a tad skeptical. I am glad to say that when it comes out a year later, it will be a much better beast.
What is Skulltrail? It is simply a massively massaged Stoakley server board with most of the mods directly affecting gamers. You take a 2S Harpertown system, put in dual Nvidia PCIe chips to allow for 4 true 16x slots, and cut the number of FBD slots from 16 to 4.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that a dual Harpertown with four GPUs is going to be a monster for gaming. AMD had a potential contender with FASN8, but since it foolishly killed it, Intel is going to own the gaming crown in 2008 no matter what AMD does.
How well does it do? With stock frequencies of 3.40GHz, 1600MHz FSB, dual 8800GTXs and 2 x 2GB Micron FBD-800 sticks, it hit 17006 on 3DMark06. It also scored a bit better than 20K on Cinebench, 21521 to be exact. I wonder where I have seen that before?
There is a lot of tweaking left to be done on this box, but it should be out in a few months, end of the year or early next. By that time, with more memory and four GPUs, well, it is going to be unmatched in performance. Intel had an early version running at 4.0GHz, more is sure to come in short order as the platform matures.
What more is there to say? When we criticized Intel, the lads did the work and came back with what looks like a winner. AMD knifed the competition leaving Intel the uncontested victory in the gaming space. It is no longer a contest, Intel wins this round
You can cut and paste all you want you useless waste of DNA, AMD got owned.
PS: Tri-core won't cost Intel billions, as they too, can easily turn off a core, but why do it when you can do quad for the same price? News flash, Intel can easily afford to price quad cores in the same price range as the dual cores. Since I already KNOW you are that stupid, I won't even bother to ask.
AMD Fanbois, lowering the world's overall IQ ten points at a time.
Nehalem 8 cores is indeed native
Intel already did the first testing with this possible eight core design and as it has the best tools in the world it has a chance to do it. I guess Intel is really upset and wants to dominate the market and it doesn't leave much chance for AMD's real recovery.
Did you read that Pezal, BaronMatrix? 3.4Ghz being tested already. It's just as I said: By the time Nehalem launches Intel will be at clocks of approximately 4GHz with the Penryn based CPUs.
You're confusing me with yourself. I am for both companies doing well and creating great products. I just buy AMD because of people like you.
The Chairman of Acer recently spoke out about OEM margins being razor thin while Intel sits at 50%.
Obviously Intel is NOT everyone's friend. As AMD can provide more volume they will get more share - revenue and volume.
That will be good for everyone. The X3 initiative is brilliant as AMD can release those before the Kumas and have higher ASP automatically as X4 and X3 will command a price premium at all speeds.
I would think that AMD - NOT SHARIKOU - will leave about 15% difference in perf for the two so I figure X3 can be clocked several hundred MHZ higher and still not be as fast as X4.
Rahul Sood went on record and said that benchmarks for X4 at 3GHz surpasses all current chips.
If you assume 25-30% higher clocks at the same voltage for X3, the X3 at 3.4GHz will surpass even Yorkfield at 3GHz+.
I am of the opinion that AMD released the lower clocks to keep the perf\watt crown and as the new revs come in they will be able to keep the power down as with 2224SE.
Also, all of the talk of AMDs 65nm process is BS because K8 was originally designed for 130nm. So it is indeed a great job to shrink it down to 65nm.
The true test will be Kuma as it is dual core AND designed for 65nm. It has been said that B2 revs will hit 3.4GHz at 1.2V (Fudzilla) and that X4 will hit 3.2GHz at a slightly higher V.
It has also been reported that a B3 rev is being tested now so it may have a little more headroom.
I was expecting AMD to get to about 3.6GHz with dual chips and 3.3GHz with the quads in a reasonable envelope (read:less than 125W).
Intel's issue isn't with clock speed it's with TDP. the faster it goes the more power it uses, which is why AMD forgot about the clock speed war and concentrated on efficiency of the platform.
Ignore Netrama - just another Sharidouche ID...the only one I think who posts AMD info that isn't Sharidouce is BaronMatrox, and he's just as bad as the rest of those unintelligent pathetic losers...
Since you're getting personal I'll just say that's not what your girl said.
She just moaned.
While I enjoy all this awesome power you can enjoy the wait for AMD. I hear they might have enough good 2GHZ quad core dies to launch Phenom for desktops at 2Ghz by the end of the year!
You mean like the three years you had to wait for Core 2? Oh wait it's only been less than a year and Newegg is selling them pretty good.
The high price is to be expected as the same thing happened with Core 2 for the first month or so last year.
Dell is advertising them for their 2950 server models and I expect that as soon as they get a few thousand systems qualified they'll start taking orders. Give it two weeks.
Like I say I hope they stay within a few % of each other as none of you will have anything to argue about and perhaps you'll go away.
Don't wish bankruptcy on ANY COMPANY.
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"Since you're getting personal I'll just say that's not what your girl said.
She just moaned."
Lol. Actually given that your photo makes you look like a giant silver penis, I'm surprised you can even get a female...
Your lame attempts at a snappy comeback are almost as pathetic as your attempts to come across as a knowledgeable source of information regarding technology. Now go back to your little corner in NYC and quit wasting taxpayer money posting your inane and nonsensical garbage little boy...
actual products are rare.
What, you mean like Clovertown and Kenstsfield? Quad core shipping for over ten months.
Intel thinks that AMD is in trouble, well no real surprise there. The company sources have told Fudzilla that Intel usually has yields up to 90 percent which sounds really great while Intel doesn't believe that AMD can come even close to that number with Barcelona.
K10, Barcelona is a big chip and that is why some of the cores are failing, hence you get triple core chips.
Tri-core is not something AMD wanted to do, but is forced to do due to it's awful 30% yields on Barcelona. So much for BARONMATRIX's stupid story that AMD made a tri-core design from scratch. Meanwhile Intel's yields at both 45nm and 65nm are at 90%.
Intel's 45 nanometre quad core codenamed Yorkfield runs at speeds of up to 3.4GHz and Intel can ship this part tomorrow. Sources have confirmed that with some tweaks the core can do even more and with some overclocking even 4GHz should not be hard to reach.
The 3.6 to 3.8GHz should be easy and even if AMD comes with 3GHz Barcelona this year we sincerely doubt that this chip can beat the 3.4GHz Yorkfield.
The problem for AMD is that Randy Allen confirmed that he expects 2.5Ghz Barcelona by the end of the year. AMD needs far higher than 3Ghz and they just can't get it.
But we'll leave BARONMATRIX to be delusional and think that AMD can deliver 3.4Ghz tri-core CPUs from a failed four-core Barcelona die.
Now back to our good friend Oneexpert.
YOU CAN BUY ONE not just imagine one.
Really, that's nice. Care to give me a link to the Opteron 2350 then? I wouldn't mind checking out the specs on the fastest Barcelona CPU since they are apparently available. Of course, Intel has had quad core CPUs at 2.66Ghz available for over ten months now.
3.4Ghz Yorkfield ready for whenever they need it. FAB32 in Arizona will be online in a few weeks cranking out all the 45nm CPUs along with D1D in Oregon.
INTEL KENTSFIELD 142,000,000% BETTER THAN BARCEBLAGONA and here in stock and for sale today at Newegg at up-to 3GHZ.
BUY INTEL hi performance (3Ghz+ QUAD CORE), energy saving, cpus, platforms, and video solutions not amd 2.5GHZ vaporware.
Giant said...
actual products are rare.
What, you mean like Clovertown and Kenstsfield? Quad core shipping for over ten months.
Yes very much..the double cheese burger Intel quad core is just as good (or bad )
as a dual socket MOBO fitted with 2 Core 2 Crap Dual core CPUs....
Some fine engineering work there Intel there
Guys forget all these CPU wars...on this beautiful Friday afternoon , I am just imagining Salma Hayek,Paz Vega,Penelope Cruz and Jessica Alba all in one bedroom wont that be like the perfect Asymmetrical Quad Core ever made?? More like the AMD Quad Core Designs .... :- )
None of Intels new processors need be available yet. CURRENT C2D and Xeon processors ALREADY are able to beat Barcelona chips, sometimes quite handily too.
Don't let the facts stand in your way oneexpert! Your blind devotion is not unlike that of the fundementalist Christians whom think the Bible is fact and the earth & universe is only 4700 years old. Both you and those groups are fucking useless.
Netrama, you just don't get it.
The whole point of the Intel shirt is to say that it is NAIVE to think you have to have a native quad core. Do you sleep easier at night knowing your quad-core is native when it does not make a difference?
MCM allowed Intel to get a 10 month lead to marked with their Quad Core product. Intel also wins most benchmarks with MCM. Intel has better yields with MCM.
AMD has TERRIBLE yields with native quad core.
So who is smart and who is dumb?
What is the advantage of the native design, and don't quote any synthetic memory bandwidth benchmarks.
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You guys are sorry bunch!
Here is the facts!
Barcelona is really a very nice design with good tradeoffs in terms of what AMD was limited on 65nm.
There is no fuck up beyond the fact that AMD is too small, has one fab, has imature and slow 65nm technology. And thus Barcelona units are limited ( poor yield, littel fab ), slow because of slow silicon, limited design resources to respin in in the single fab.
Bottom line is AMD did as we all should have expected. They will continue to have interesting ideas, like their current roadmap. ON paper looks great. The problem is they don't have enough quality people, enough fab capacity, enough money to get good silicon technology to execute. Expect this trend to continue, great ideas that come up short with products slow, late, buggy, and limited supply.
People don't get it can continue to root for the cubs. They can't compete with the Yankees. The only reason AMD looked so good was INTEL screwed it up for a few years ago. They got their mojo back, their superior resources, silicon, capacity, and big bank account will keep this lead. INTEL doesn't look like it made any mistakes on 45nm with HighK/metal-gate with it comeing right on time. Penrym looks exactly as they stated coming on time with all the improvements over C2D they need. Nehalem is already alive and looks to have plenty of gestation time to deliver as planned in 2008 a quad and more core that will completel crush anything AMD has. Like I said AMD will be late for everything on their roadmap.
Why is it that their is NO annoucment of any of AMD's 2008 product TOs? We already have INTEL's demo'd. Where is any annoucement of AMD's 45nm. They have been pretty quiet. We all saw what happened on Barcelona. What does quiet mean? Means not going well, late.
AMD is finished... you can take that to the bank!
Now you guys can return to your silly insults, and boring posts. I'm going to have a wild time with real women no some wet dream you guy have!
After nearly a year intel has totally failed to ignite the quad core market thats why the oem and channel have been waiting on AMD to save them from a growing burden of inventory
Are you FUCKING INSANE? Intel in SIX months of quad-cores SOLD OVER A MILLION. By now I can only imagine what that number really is.
You really do have quite a distorted look at the world you lying little weasel.
it seems like you are full of shit just like your lover, Sharikou.
Stop distorting the truth oneexpert.
Fucking moron.
Intel in SIX months of quad-cores SOLD OVER A MILLION.
That was for servers only. Now most of the enthusiasts that are building new PCs are going for the $266 Q6600 as well.
So Netrama, if Intel's quads are crap as you suggest why don't you tell me a desktop AMD CPU that can can encode two videos and be running both Photoshop and Houdini all at the same time. The system should be still responsive and there's no lag.
I'll help you out, here a list of Intel desktop CPUs that can do that:
Now for the AMD list:
Well, that wasn't too hard was it?
Why is it that their is NO annoucment of any of AMD's 2008 product TOs? We already have INTEL's demo'd. Where is any annoucement of AMD's 45nm. They have been pretty quiet. We all saw what happened on Barcelona. What does quiet mean? Means not going well, late.
AMD's 45nm product not even taped out yet. At this rate, Nehalem will be released before AMD's 45nm.
INTEL KENTSFIELD 142,000,000% BETTER THAN BARCEBLAGONA and here in stock and for sale today at Newegg at up-to 3GHZ.
BUY INTEL hi performance (3Ghz+ QUAD CORE), energy saving, cpus, platforms, and video solutions not amd 2.5GHZ vaporware.
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Once again oneexpert has been drinking too much sterno.
Barcelonas cant cuttently beat intel's Xeon line up based on Pentium III's glued together as you claim. What the fuck makes you think that Phoneyom will do any better?
PS: you can buy Clovertowns for $235 right now. Its not only less expensive than AMD's stuff it out performs it!
AMD expects to sell 10 million barcelonas in the first 3 months of sales.
Have you a link for these bold claims?
Of course he doesn't.
Just like Sharidouche, he makes shit up.
And the crybaby whines to sharidouce again and gets another of my posts removed...congratulations on being as big a fucktard here as you are at Toms Baronshitbag...
AMD expects to sell 10 million barcelonas in the first 3 months of sales.
Don't make me laugh, they can't even make 10 million let alone sell that many.
Maybe if they get their yields on 65nm close to where INTEL already is at 45nm they could dump a bunch of those K9s at 200 bucks and sell move 10 million.
AMD expects to sell 10 million barcelonas in the first 3 months of sales.
Don't make me laugh, they can't even make 10 million let alone sell that many.
Maybe if they get their yields on 65nm close to where INTEL already is at 45nm they could dump a bunch of those K9s at 200 bucks and sell move 10 million.
To whom it may concern,
Even the top brass at AMD like Randy and I think that Christian M. Howell is a retarded fucking idiot. He says 3.4Ghz? We can barely make enough 2Ghz CPUs for Dell!
Even I admit that AMD is fucked. I watched those IDF webcasts and almost had a nervous breakdown. We're still trying to get our first generation quad core Opteron above 2GHz while our competior is at 3Ghz. Then I find out they are going to launch a 45nm second generation quad core on November 12th? If that wasn't enough, they even demonstrated a third generation quad core! Our competitor must be breaking some kind of law by progressing so quickly that AMD can't keep up.
It's alright, as we've already come up with a counter for this. I've got Randy Allen making a new Power Point presentation showing that we've got some new technology that will let us increase clock speeds to 5Ghz! When people see this our share price will go up $2 or so until they realize it's a blatant lie. While the stock price is up Randy and I will cash in and sell all our shares making a few million each. Then I'll be off to my Hawaiian island to enjoy my retirement!
Hector de J. Ruiz, Ph.D
Hector, that was a hilarious and well thought out post.
However, I'm going to try to call down on my BaronFudrix insults, my doctor says I have an unhealthy obsession with him and need to stop.
So Baron, please accept my apologies. I will try to limit my insults to calling you BaronFudrix. I think that's a healthy balance between being nice and being obsessed.
Look at the size of the Nehalem die:
Quite small indeed. It's much more economically feasible to make a native quad core on 45nm than 65nm.
I guess those AMD engineers learned that the hard way.
AMD BK Q2'08.
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oneexpert, AMD fanboi and Sharikou's "right hand man" (if you know what I mean...), wrote:
intel has no experience what so ever with on board memory controllers.
You are showing your ignorance.
Go back and do your homework before posting such absolute nonsense.
You remind me of abistein.
Prove it you fuckwit.
Oh wait you can't! More bullshit pulled out of your ass to try to cheer you up. I'd be depressed too if I was an AMD fanboi.
Buy Intel... even the so called "antique junk relics destined for the garbage can of history" beat AMD's latest and greatest. Not to mention Intel's next gen stuff which starts shipping in a few weeks.
Ok, OneExpert can't be for real. He's got to be an Intel guy pretending to be a stupid AMD fanboy.
On another not, I found BaronFudrix's (aka Christian Howell) video blog:
buy state of the art, memory controller on board, AMD cpus. My ancient 486 DX2/66 CPU had an on-die memory controller. Does that mean it's faster than any Athlon XP, since the latter has no on-die memory controller?
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The future of computing is here today at AMD.
With obsolete 2Ghz CPUs that are clearly slower than Intel's existing Clovertown CPUs?
AMD loves to make up nonsense that they were first with intergrated memory controllers and graphics, none of it is true.
386 and 486 CPUs had on-die memory controllers as well. Who really cares?
The Intel Timna CPU had both intergrated graphics and memory controllers.
AMD only introduced HyperTransport because their own FSB was stuck at a pokey 400mhz.
The pathetic thing is that Intel is developing Larrabee from scratch, AMD had to go out and buy companies like NexGen and Ati. It's clear
that AMD cannot make a solid design
on their own.
Well, they did try with K10 and the results speak for themselves. 30% yields and stuck at 2Ghz. Their yields are so pathetic that AMD will introduce the 'innovative' AMD Triple Cripple CPU next year!
INTEL KENTSFIELD 142,000,000% BETTER THAN BARCEBLAGONA and here in stock and for sale today at Newegg at up-to 3GHZ.
BUY INTEL hi performance (3Ghz+ QUAD CORE), energy saving, cpus, platforms, and video solutions not amd 2.5GHZ vaporware.
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Of course the phenoms will be out soon enough
No thanks. I've already been enjoying quad core CPU performance for months now. 2.4Ghz quad core performance now that overclocks to 3.6Ghz on air with the G0 stepping.
Q4 for Phenom. Just ten months behind on quad for servers, and about a year behind Intel with quad core for desktops. That's just embarrasing.
AMD will be stuck with low clockspeeds on 65 nm and when they finally get around to it 45nm. Intel can clock the CPUs much higher thanks to the revolutionary high-k metal gate 45nm process as we've seen. Intel takes the clockspeed up with new process technologies but AMD takes them down.
Quad core 2Ghz at 65nm? They'll get that to 2.5Ghz or so, then go to 45nm and end up back at 2Ghz! Just the same way with dual core 3.2ghz at 90nm, but only 2.6ghz at 65nm.
So after looking at Intel Fanboi's list of names for AMD's upcoming 3 core CPU I decided that Triple Cripple certainly sounds best. Though I do like Rejecteron as well!
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Dare to feel your heart pound,your pulse race, and your breath catch in your throat? To open yourself up for a jolt of sheer adrenaline that just might eat you alive? To bring home a beast that’s leaping and snarling on the end of its leash?
Like Mother Nature, AMD has a dark side — and on September 25, 2007
it will be revealed to the world.
So what it really comes down to is, do you dare?
I'm sure Intel is shaking in their little space boots.
A REPORT said Intel will lay off up to 10 per cent of its IT staff worldwide.
They have hotcakes for sell though!!!
OnlyCockGobbler said... "A REPORT said Intel will lay off up to 10 per cent of its IT staff worldwide.
They have hotcakes for sell though!!!"
Learn to read an article you moron - that's 10% of Intel's Information Technology staff, or globally about 1000 people...nothing to do with their engineering staff, nothing to do with their FAB staff, and has nothing to do with their chip design, production, sales, or marketing. So quit reading what you want to read into it and just read the facts...
According to the article their cutting people based on skill level, ie, the shitty IT staff is going out the door.
All of this is quite normal for a company Intels size, so really, don't even attempt to use this as another basis for Sharicunts "BKQ208 bullshit...
(The downside is that it will probably unleash another Sharidouche on the world, given that this dirtbag was fired from Intel.)
No matter how you read it. They are still laying off 1000 dickheads like you. Next question.
OK, so the AMD assclowns point out that Intel is letting go of 1000 IT workers.
I wonder what they have to say about the fact that AMD is still losing money hand over fist...
So its unacceptable for intel to layoff, but its perfectly fine for AMD to dig a deeper debt hole Q after Q?
Holy fucking shit, I mean I know this place is full of some rather moronic AMD fanbois, but this is almost as bad.
Get a clue only AMD. Get a fucking clue.
I think ..I am out of the loop here .. what is the big launch on Sep 25th ?? The AMD Dark Side ??
Its just more of AMD's "black box" enthusiast CPU's that perform well under what Intel's enthusiast CPU's can do.
Intel to do more layoffs
No matter how you read it. They are still laying off 1000 dickheads like you. Next question.
Since when does 10% of 5000 = 1000? Onlyamd can't even work out basic mathematics!
I think ..I am out of the loop here .. what is the big launch on Sep 25th ?? The AMD Dark Side ??
Either PHENOM quad core CPU or RD790 chipset. Maybe both. But according to this AMD video Phenom is not due out to Q4.
My guess is therefore the RD790 chipset with quad crossfire support.
The Intel lay off news, isn’t news. It’s part of the year old layoff plan that is still on going. More important is that lay off news is usually preempt to bad quarter news to keep the stock price from falling, because layoffs are a prudent way to cut costs and view favorably by the shareholders.
More important is that lay off news is usually preempt to bad quarter news to keep the stock price from falling...
Considering that Intel raised it's Q3 forecast I would have to believe that you are wrong.
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AMD cuts perks
No more stock buying programme
By Charlie Demerjian: Monday 24 September 2007, 08:19
IT LOOKS LIKE AMD is starting to tighten the belts. As of November 1, 2007, the employee stock buy programme is being canned. This programme allowed people to put in up to 20% of their salary into AMD stock at a 15 per cent discount.
If you flip the stock immediately, you end up with a ~3 per cent bonus to your salary, if you hold on to it, well, you play the market. This was considered a 'perk', and that perk is now a thing of the past.
In addition to this perk, bonuses and charity gift matching are also on the chopping block, and there is word of forced vacations. It is not the end of the world, but neither is it a way to make people happy. Tough times demand tough reduction of perks. µ
STOP POSTING INTEL NEWS FROM 2006 fuckwit Its old hat news, and Intel has CLEARLY fully recovered from the changes and is handily beating AMD.
You are a fucking moron that looks more and more stupid every day.
Why are you quoting articles that are over a year old?
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“Considering that Intel raised it's Q3 forecast I would have to believe that you are wrong.”
I would have to concur, however Q3 may have some negatives in it.
To oneexpert “Intel in crises”
Losing 1000 employees to Intel is only a minor discomfort
OnlyAssPounding said...
No matter how you read it. They are still laying off 1000 dickheads like you. Next question."
Oh, no questions for sorry pieces of blind shit like you...Dickheads like me don't get layed off, we do the must have gotten the shit-can from Intel just like Shariwhore since you're reacting so strongly...
So oneexpert, when is AMD going to be making money?
AMD is a business last time I looked and its rather in the red right now a bit deep.
I'll easily take 1000 layoffs vs. a company that has been in the hole for a while now.
What a fucking moron.
Well, I think there are a couple things going on here with this whole anti-AMD push over the last year or so. First, Intel has layed off somewhere north of 10,000 employees over the last year, and looking to increase that number. I think it's pretty obvious that these ex-employees would have alot of anymosity towards AMD and we are seeing this all over the net.
Or it could be an orchistrated attempt by Intel to try and overwhelm the masses with propaganda perpetuated ad-naseum on all the major forums and blogs around the web. I say it's a combination of the two.
Intel are treating the people not involved in this campaign like suckers, and insulting your collective intelligence. You'd have to be pretty naiive to believe there are that many that feel as negative about AMD as Intel's marketing is trying to convince everyone. It's classic viral marketing and we'll see this prove true in the not too distant future.
Intel aren't fooling the people that matter.... I wonder how many of those 10,000+ ex-employees were offered some sort of compensation to promote their chips and company. If you look at any forum, there seem to be a proportionate number of what I call FUDSTER's, to the number of memberships and amount of activity.
It seems classic Intel to me. If you can't compete on products alone in a competitive environment on the merits of your products, and the world knows of your anti-competitive practices in the market place, this seems like a logical next step to attempt to continue pulling the wool over the eyes of customers.
It sure will/would be interesting if/when someone decides to spill the beans....
I won't comment on Barcelona's percieved lack of performance, and what that might mean...
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