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About Me
- Name: Sharikou, Ph. D.
Freelance journalist on IT matters. Some of my writings have been published on online IT journals. Any original content on this journal is Copyrighted, but it's free for non-commercial use. Any Trademarks used on this site belong to their respective owners. Some of the pictures are links. If there is any issue with the content of this site, please email .
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- Patty sounded scared
- Will Intel Founder End Up in Jail?
- INQ mistaken about Intel
- From now on, I will use K10 to refer the architect...
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
why didn't you comment about AMD issuing a revenue warning?
Once again, more proof of Intel's true behavior... it's all taking shape!
Obviously Intelers will proclaim "an honest mistake" or "human error". But that just doesn't cut it.
For one, if Intel WAS really innocent, and wanted to show it to the world, the email preservation policy should have been corporate wide, not selective.
Second, what are the chances that even management would 'loose' emails? Management emails should never be deleted at all without restriction.
Third, backups problems too? Convenient to 'forget' to backup certain employee computers... just for a little while until it's been long enough and Outlook deleted them.
Fourth, why would a company as profitable like Intel need to recycle their backup tapes? But it seems they did, so a lot of emails will 'conveniently' NOT be restored.
So to summarize it all:
Intel 'forgot' to tell certain employees to preserve their emails. Of those that did preserve them, backups were 'erroneously' NOT performed before emails got deleted. Of the backups that were performed, the tapes were reused and the existing emails were lost.
How much you want to bet that most of these emails were internal emails. And of the ones external, such as DELL, DELL will soon declare similar 'human' errors.
Obviously it would have been too risky for Intel to ask certain or most employees to just outright delete all incriminating emails... even loyal employees.
So how do you get rid of so much emails? You selectively hand pick a few technicians and get them to do the job.
How much you want to bet that certain Intel technicians this year will be making 6-figure salaries?
The courts should put a financial watch for any Intel employees who just happen to have enough cash on hand to pay off their house or buy a brand new 17 foot boat.
I mean, the U.S. can do that now right? Didn't bush abolish something called 'the constitution' and 'human rights'? So now they can freely spy on any U.S. citizen?
It's financial terrorism!
Good talk.
Jeach! said...
"It's financial terrorism!"
Everything must be accepted if it is doing good.
Normally, without killing people.
Hey PhD any comments about this favorite line of yours:
How about your BK prediction. AMD stock getting close to then there big guy.
Sorry a few emails don't make a case. If that is what AMD needed then AMD is already BKd
Dump all your Intel stock immediately if you haven't already. Get ready to buy massive amounts of AMD stock. If you want to be set for the rest of your life, sell all your assets, including your house and get ready to invest it all. AMD stock is going to sky rocket.
This comment has been removed by the author.
"Dump all your Intel stock immediately if you haven't already. Get ready to buy massive amounts of AMD stock. If you want to be set for the rest of your life, sell all your assets, including your house and get ready to invest it all. AMD stock is going to sky rocket. "
Funny, I get emails like that quite frequently that tell me to buy some stock. Mostly they don't use AMD but some other unknown company.
ho ho
Funny, I get emails like that quite frequently that tell me to buy some stock. Mostly they don't use AMD but some other unknown company.
may be he has been stuck with AMD stocks bought few months ago ...
they have been singing for AMD stocks for months ... you can trace it to the post dated to when AMD stock was 2X of current values :)
Peanus Dump all your Intel stock immediately if you haven't already. Get ready to buy massive amounts of AMD stock. If you want to be set for the rest of your life, sell all your assets, including your house and get ready to invest it all. AMD stock is going to sky rocket.
You do that and tell us in 1 year how it is to be homeless.
Anyone notice how the "Moron" PHD hasn't actually posted anything in the comments section since the identity mis-hap, i'm thinking he's running scared. Jeach, your just a moron you just keep making up little stories in your head to keep youself entertained, that and sleep with the doc becasue you seem to worship him
What's scary is that if I'm a moron, and you keep coming back for more!
That makes you my little bitch...
Maybe Sharikou has got a cult thing going on here?
For someone who's in search of blog content and then can't accept theories and ideas to the point of name calling... you've got some serious issues!
For someone who's in search of blog content and then can't accept theories and ideas to the point of name calling... you've got some serious issues!
Amazing how these people just have to defend their favourite CPU company even when their purses are being slit for their money.
Penix is nothing but a PhD pretender fluffer and swallower. He laps it all up from the Pretender.
AMD will be below 10 bucks soon. Could it bounce back to 15 and look to the casual investors like a 50% rise? Not an unlikely possibility. Do not confuse gambling vs. investing fundamentals that rely on careful research to discover undervalued companies or those with compelling business prospects not valued in their stock yet. AMD is neither.
1) AMD is not undervalued, its overvalued to any common metric.
2) Their business prospects are equally horrible and they are overvalued to their prospect.
Penix's logic is that AMD has been drawing blanks so they are now due a hit. THat simply doesn't work in business nor life. Its like saying a lifetime .200 hitter now is 0/10 is going to get a hit at his next bat because he is due and the odds are in his favor given his past performance. This is simply NOT true his chance is still 1/5 he'll get a hit. Don't confuse the odds of going 0/11 vs getting a hit during any at bat. Those are really seperate things. You bet the 0/11 at the beginning. Each time he comes to bat his chances of getting a hit are the same 1/5.
Manufacturing a competitive x86 design is NOT like swing a bat. It is based on sound foundatoin in design choices and tradeoffs made 2 years ago, then flawless executoin. It is based on careful alignment of design rules and syncrhonization of factorys and silicon with design readiness.
I am sure Barcelona will have decent benchmarks and be compettive against INTEL in the high end. THe larger business prospect for AMD is NOT made brighter because of this simply because they don't have a sound business plan.
You can bet your house, sell all your INTEL. But their are far better and more secure investments to be had if your horizon is 1 month, 1year or 1 decade. Anybody who really knows what he is doing in investments isn't here, nor would anyone fishing for investment nuggest be searching here.
I come here to be enertained by stupid best buy salesboys and PhD pretenders. It is as good as AFV!
"Dump all your Intel stock immediately if you haven't already. Get ready to buy massive amounts of AMD stock. If you want to be set for the rest of your life, sell all your assets, including your house and get ready to invest it all. AMD stock is going to sky rocket."
Do you know what AMD's total return to shareholders has been over the last five years?
I'll tell you:
Negative 44%.
Please do sell your house. When you are homeless you will not be able to post this nonsense.
Thanks lex.
At last, there is one rational posting in this blog.
Do you know what AMD's total return to shareholders has been over the last five years?
I'll tell you:
Negative 44%.
People like you make me laugh! It is people like you that give all their investment money year after year to large fund companies and analysts.
A companies fundamentals have nothing to do with a stock. Take for example 2000... didn't GE drop? Didn't Boeing drop? Didn't Oracle drop? Didn't they all drop? But yet they were all massively profitable.
A companies stock is valued ONLY by what people are willing to pay for it. And fortunately, most on Wall St. can't think for themselves, so they listen to analysts what a company should be worth.
Glad to see you had a 44% return on AMD, now lets take a look at some of my return.
1. Buy around $40+ and sold around $66
2. Short at $50 and sell around $30
3. Sell options around $25 and buy options around $10
4. (should have bought at $4) but bought at $10, $12, $15, $20, $30 and sold most of them at $35
Now, I'll let a low occur. ONLY when Barcelona is released and I get a 'feel' for the chip will I start buying stock again.
Now that is investing... and I never even looked at the financials, imagine that?
Now, I'll let a low occur. ONLY when Barcelona is released and I get a 'feel' for the chip will I start buying stock again
Jeach, you are an @$$h01e, but I give you this. If Barcelona is any good (and by this, I mean >8% to 10% better than the fastest Penryn across a wide variety of applications) I myself will buy AMD stock. But if it is slower than the fastest Penryn (which is a distinct possibility) I will short it.
As far as Intel is concerned, I would neither buy it nor short it. Intel is too big already for my taste.
Jeach, you are an @$$h01e, but I give you this. If Barcelona is any good (and by this, I mean >8% to 10% better than the fastest Penryn across a wide variety of applications) I myself will buy AMD stock. But if it is slower than the fastest Penryn (which is a distinct possibility) I will short it.
There are no stops to compliments on this site now is there :)
I'd agree with you on the performance comparison to the exception of shorting the stock if Barcelona isn't up to par.
Here is my reasoning...
A stock can only be pushed so low, regardless how bad a company may be doing. Now if the industry is doing well and Intel is doing well, AMD may go low, but remember that everyone will want to get on the 'shorting' bandwagon.
When too many people hold short positions, all you need is one little spike up - either market makers or buyout rumors - and you will have people covering there shorts and people being forced to cover their shorts (margin calls). That means that AMD can spike up by huge amounts, making it too risky holding a short at that price level and/or scenario.
But to each their own, if you want to short go ahead, but you should see huge 'up' spikes once in a while... if you can tolerate that, that's good!
looks like AMD is losing marketshare even after sacrificing everything inlcuding their first born. LMFAO!
AMD is in more trouble. See this:
Basically all AMD's processors will become worthless. AMD 6000+ will have to be sold for $150 to remain competitive.
Randy Allen said...
AMD is in more trouble. See this:
Funny, this article isn't even about AMD, it's about Intel. They are dropping prices fast. Funny, we just saw this with the P4, now they are doing it with their newest chips. It seems to me that Intel is getting desperate as Barcelona gets closer.
Randy Allen said...
AMD is in more trouble. See this:
Basically all AMD's processors will become worthless. AMD 6000+ will have to be sold for $150 to remain competitive.
Actually, all of the people who sell PCs are in much more trouble because now their prices have to go even lower on systems, meaning that margins are non-existent and they end up selling PCs just to break even. A lot of them will end up owing money to suppliers other than Intel.
I mean if you buy 10,000 mobos for X dollars and and make 30% less on each sale you lose money. PERIOD.
Sharikou you should spam the FTC. But then it looks like they don't care as Core 2 pricing is PREDATORY now and they are talking about a E6850 for under $300.
That is a barrier to entry if I've ever seen one.
I guess that "Evil Inside" sicker was right on.
Let's hope the economy survives this madness.
"I guess that "Evil Inside" sicker was right on."
Evil to whom? I as a consumer can only applaud such a thing as I'll get excellent performancefor very little money. Anyway, those high-end CPUs made up only a tiny fraction of total sales and lowering their prices won't probably do too much bad to the company.
Funny thing is when AMD sold its CPUs considerably cheaper than Intel everyone thought it was good. Now when Intel lowers their prices considerably it is upposed to kill economy?
Hey sharikou,
You were right about a major processor company going bankrupt by mid 2008.
azary omega
"Also, do you really think AMD wont answer this?"
I sure hope they do. It will be quite difficult to go against $266 2.4GHz quadcore/2.9GHz dualcore if they don't lower prices.
Then again as deepak's newslink shows it might not be all that simple for AMD. Having loads of cash as Intel does helps quite a bit in pricewar.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Man some of you have a hard time understanding the market and the economics in general.
I remember something a user said a little while ago about having 90% market share was NOT a monopoly. He may be right in general when prices are stable, margins are equal and average (10% to 15%). But when you have 50%+ margins it IS a monopoly when you have 90% market share... do make the difference!
Funny thing is when AMD sold its CPUs considerably cheaper than Intel everyone thought it was good. Now when Intel lowers their prices considerably it is supposed to kill economy?
You've said it! When you've got 80% market share, 50%+ margins, extremely profitable, but yet you lower your prices JUST to make your competitor bleed red ink... it IS monopolistic behavior.
People will argue that Intel has one of the biggest brands, that it is incredibly profitable, that it has an established following of customers. If this is all true, why are they still lowering their prices? Trying to regain their market share excuse is just a pretext to reduce AMD financial chaos, disorder and restructure.
You may truely believe that AMD products are inferior... but just remember this. If it were not for AMD you'd all be browsing with a 64-bit Itanium processor running at 2GHz which you purchased for $1200 and only 1/10th of your applications available natively.
Hate AMD, but at least admit it!
Second! I believe AMD will receive a cash infusion from a private/public equity. Current share holders will be dissolved, probably by half, but 50% of tomorrows power-house is better than 100% of crumbs.
Third, you idiots who use the stock as an indicator of financial woes! Let me remind you that AMD had jumped way too high on hipe for nothing, so saying it is down 60% is just retarded!
But let me bring you back to REALITY! Intel, your so called power-house is only about $4 higher than AMD. Shocking isn't it? The bankrupt company is ONLY $4 away from your company... wow! Or, Intel is also far away from its $70.59 price tag it once had... oh, what happened? Only lost $51/share, or 73% of its value or $300 BILLION in shareholder value :)
Like I said, a stock price is only worth what people decide to pay for it.
"... extremely profitable ..."
Hey, that's not what our beloved host sais. Intel will BK in a year ;)
"If it were not for AMD you'd all be browsing with a 64-bit Itanium processor running at 2GHz which you purchased for $1200 and only 1/10th of your applications available natively"
If Itanium would be the main CPU we would most certainly have most of the applications running natively. Going to x86-64 is a bit simplier but it will also need some redeseign in your programs.
"Intel, your so called power-house is only about $4 higher than AMD. Shocking isn't it?"
Oh, and Google is around 25x higher than both of them!
Yes, stock price doesn't show anything.
Jeach whined:
“You've said it! When you've got 80% market share, 50%+ margins, extremely profitable, but yet you lower your prices JUST to make your competitor bleed red ink... it IS monopolistic behavior.”
Firstly, Intel doesn’t own 80% of the market. Why is it that when AMD cry babies complain about Intel’s business practice its market share significantly goes up? And when AMD is supposed to be doing good its market share goes down to 70%. We’ve seen enough of this typical boring cycle of calling Intel a monopoly when AMD’s in the red and rejoicing “AMD has broken the monopoly!” when it’s turning a profit.
Secondly, AMD is in the red because it over supplied one OEM while losing business to the channel. AMD is growing its capacity while not securing the sales. But sure, it’s much more convenient to blame the monopoly for having better products to sell.
Again JeachusChrist cried: “People will argue that Intel has one of the biggest brands, that it is incredibly profitable, that it has an established following of customers. If this is all true, why are they still lowering their prices? Trying to regain their market share excuse is just a pretext to reduce AMD financial chaos, disorder and restructure. “
You only perceive that Intel is dropping prices because Athlon’s performance is now equivalent to Intel’s budget offering. It’s AMD who’s dropping prices while Intel’s been introducing better processors in volume. Again, easy to blame Intel for having better processors.
Poor JEACH said: “…If it were not for AMD you'd all be browsing with a 64-bit Itanium processor running at 2GHz which you purchased for $1200 and only 1/10th of your applications available natively.
Solicitation of pity and gratitude for AMD – the last bastion for an AMD fanboy. If I had a penny every time I read “if it wasn’t for AMD…” …
Jeach hallucinated: “Third, you idiots who use the stock as an indicator of financial woes! Let me remind you that AMD had jumped way too high on hipe for nothing, so saying it is down 60% is just retarded!”
AMD’s stock is actually lagging and way too expensive for what the company is worth. The stock may not be an “accurate indicator of financial woes” but it is an indicator of what investors, analysts, fund managers, investment banks think of AMD. But I’d choose their opinion over yours on any given day.
Roborat, Ph. D. said...
Nothing of great value!
Roborat, Ph. D. is...
Stuck in ignorance!
AMD’s stock [...] but it is an indicator of what investors, analysts, fund managers, investment banks think of AMD.
Investors... WRONG!
Analysts, fund managers, investment banks... YES, but do they actually want you to make money... NO!
But I’d choose their opinion over yours on any given day.
And guess what, most people don't make too much money in the stock market!
How can I prove this? Simple!
Method 1: You throw a dart at a news paper and buy whatever it lands on. Put a 10% stop loss and a 20% limit stop loss.
Method 2: Listen to your analysts, fund managers and investment banks recommendations as to what to buy.
Repeat method 1 and 2 a several times per year for 4 years and I guarantee that you WILL make more money with method #1. But better yet, do method #3, which is doing your own research (1 hour/stock per week) and using your brain.
The sad truth is that MOST billionairs and millionairs in N. America made their money in real estate and NOT the stock market (contrary to belief). If you remove those few who did make a fortune from Wall St., such as corporate owners/insiders (Gates, Jobs, Buffet, executives, etc) and those who made their money from participating in IPO's and options issuance then your left with almost nobody!
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